Ruth: Your People Shall Be My People (Discontinued)

Ruth: Your People Shall Be My People (Discontinued)
Product Code: DRUTH
Availability: Discontinued
Price: $49.00
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This DVD series is DISCONTINUED.

(8 programs on 2 DVDs) The story of Ruth and Boaz bears a similarity to the relationship of Myles and Katharine—Jew and gentile in the harvest field with the Lord. Relive Naomi and Ruth’s journey from Moab to arrive in Bethlehem at harvest time.


The Covering
Myles and Katharine Weiss guide us on Naomi and Ruth’s journey from Moab to Israel. God is bringing Jews and Christians together as never before. Israeli tour guide Arie Bar David shows the map of Judah and Moab.
Road to Bethlehem
After suffering through ten years of famine, Naomi returns to Israel. Her faithful daughter-in-law declares, “Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God” (Ruth 1:16). Arie Bar David shows the route to Bethlehem.
Finding the Redeemer
From Kibbutz Nan during the Feast of Shavuot/Pentecost, Myles and Katharine tell of Naomi and Ruth’s arrival in Bethlehem at harvest time. The romance between Boaz and Ruth begins to blossom. We enjoy music from our friends Sasha and Anya.
Breaking of Bread
Boaz asks Ruth to break bread with him. Our heavenly Father invites us into relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus (the Bread of Life). The story of Ruth and Boaz bears a similarity to the relationship of Myles and Katharine—Jew and gentile in the harvest field with the Lord.


Virtuous Woman
On location in Israel, Myles and Katharine tell how Naomi makes a dramatic move that defies cultural norms and sends Ruth to Boaz’s threshing floor where he promises to take care of her. We enjoy hearing the music of our friends Sasha and Anya.
Kinsman Redeemer
Boaz has feelings for Ruth and desires to be her husband and provider. However, as a man of honor, he reveals that there is a closer relative who must be consulted according to the Mosaic law of the day. Arie Bar David describes the homes of this time period.
Myles and Katharine tell how God is open to including a gentile like Ruth into the family of Israel and the lineage of the Messiah. Ruth’s story is a picture of the full restoration available to us because of the blood of Yeshua. Sasha and Anya bless us with their music.
Future of Hope
Ruth and Boaz get married and raise a family. Naomi’s life was changed from tragedy and bitterness to one of restoration and hope. Yeshua wants to do the same for us.
DVDs 2

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